This 2021 Christmas season, Para Ti Global provided approximately 2700 impoverished children holiday meals through its "A Para Ti Global Christmas" Program. This program was carried out under Para Ti Global's Provide Pillar. Please see photos and videos of the program below.
Five feedings were held on two days with acknowledgment of COVID-19's continued presence.

The first four feedings were conducted in Caloocan City, Metro Manila on December 12th, 2021.
This day's feedings were split into 4 sessions in four different Barangays with approximately 500 children each to minimize the number of people present in one place. These feedings alone fed 2000 children thanks to Para Ti Global's wonderful volunteers.
A special thanks to:
Mary Ann and Michael Morales
Castro Family
All volunteers, especially those from Atimoya
Kapitan - Arnaldo N. Delgado Barangay 150
Kapitan - Robert Castro Barangay 146
Kapitan - Rodel Cruz Barangay 148
Kapitan - Anding Undesimo Barangay 149
Videos of this feeding:
The fifth feeding was conducted in Pasig on December 23th 2021. This feeding fed approximately 350 children.

A special thanks to:
Ricky Gonzales
Jennifer Gonzales
Chielyn Tumanon
The Gonzales Family
Napindan Volunteers
Video of this feeding:
An additional thank you to UFC Gym in Concord whose fundraising efforts helped make this our biggest Christmas yet!
Para Ti Global leadership notes, "We are so grateful and joyful. This Christmas season was our best yet. This is the most meals we have ever provided and are so appreciative of our volunteers and donors. We could not have done it without you. Maraming Salamat! Thank you!"